Saturday, March 10, 2007


Nobody I met ever really "got" the woods. Like riding a bicycle or speaking your first language, you probably never lose that perspective once you get it. Last fall I stumbled onto someone who does get it. The good news is that he wrote a book about it, and I've been thinking about looking at the woods here in Arlington, VA. There's got to be lots of interesting things, and I'll talk about them here.

Why? For the shear joy of reliving those moments as I find them here this year, and to get to know one of my neglected, oldest, dearest friends, the woods.

We've just gone through a spate of snow and cold, but this morning I heard the birds singing fiercely, and a dove too as I type this. It's barefoot weather if you're just stepping outside for a moment, gentlemen, start your engines.

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